What I Do and Why

Hey, I'm Marvin.

Creative Director & Producer

My job is to make sure everyone knows how good you are at yours.

There’s the old saying when it comes to applying for a job: “It’s not what you know, but who you know.” But when it comes to scaling and growing your own business, it is much more a case of who knows you and what you are known for.

My goal in working with you is to make it as easy as possible for potential customers and clients to not only discover your business, but fully understand the scope and value of your offer.

With the right website, and video business card, you have your most valuable combined asset that:

  • Sells for you 24/7
  • Verifies your expertise
  • Allows others to find you and qualify themselves for your services

A little bit about me.

Born and raised in New York City, I have nearly a decade of diverse business experience including but not limited to:

  • Working in several lean startups
  • Managing a midtown rental studio for creatives
  • Freelancing as an IT Technician
  • Hosting, building and maintaining websites
  • Producing photo and video assets for brands and businesses
  • Crafting dynamic virtual and hybrid event experiences

Let's get in touch